Thursday 28 February 2013

How To Refinish A Vinyl Or Tile Foor Using Floor Finish.

The following procedure is for reapplying coats to an already finished floor or applying finish to a new floor. When finishing a new floor always follow the manufacturers recommendations for prepping the floor. You should always consult the flooring manufacturer on the types of finishes that are suited to your floor. When finishing any floor we recommend that you use a quality floor finish that is correctly matched to your flooring. Our online floor finishing procedures are the general guidelines for finishing a floor. These days floor finish has become the alternative to old fashioned waxes. Floor finish can give a floor a great long lasting shine without the problems of conventional waxes.


Make sure that your floor has been prepared for finishing. Clean the floor removing as much dirt and debris as possible. If the floor has more than 5 coats of finish we recommend stripping the floor first. Too many layers of finish can dull a floor. Over time floor finish can yellow in color, if you see any yellowing on the floor we also recommend that you strip the floor first.

After the floor has been prepared, vacuum or dust mop the floor to remove any dust. We recommend that you spray your dust mop with dust mop treatment to remove as much dust as possible. Make sure to remove anything stuck to the floor, anything that is on the floor when you finish it will become part of the floor finish and you will have to strip your floor and begin again.

Make sure that the floor are you are finishing does not and will not have traffic moving through it for at least 12 - 24 hours depending on the type of finish that your are applying (see floor finish manufacturers specifications for curing and drying time). Use warning signs to make sure the area where you are finishing is marked out so that everyone is aware of the area.

Finishing a floor requires the use of two mop buckets. One bucket will be used to keep the finish mop damp and the other will be used to apply the floor finish. Line the floor finish bucket with a clear trash can liner so that you can dispose of the finish easily after the job is complete.

Fill one mop bucket 1/2 way up with water and the lined mop bucket 1/4 full with floor finish. Dip your finish mop into the water bucket and wring until the mop is damp and water does not drip from the end. Next, dip the damp mop into the floor finish and wring until the finish mop does not drip.

The best way to finish floors is to divide the floor into sections to assure that an even amount of floor finish is applied everywhere. Begin applying the floor finish at the furthest corner from the entrance. Apply floor finish to the baseboard area first (a block applicator can be a great tool for this job) working away from the corner. Make sure the floor finish is going on to the floor in a thin even coat.

After you have applied floor finish to the baseboard move on to the open areas of the floor. Move the mop head in a figure eight motion overlapping mopping sections by about an inch.

After you have applied the finish evenly to the entire area, let the floor dry. The floor should look glossy with no raised areas or drip marks. Follow the floor finish manufacturers recommendations for drying time. Depending on the floor finish you may wish to apply more than one coat of floor finish, if so, let the floor dry in between coats. You may also want to buff the floor in between coats so that the second coat adheres better to the first coat.

To maintain the new look of the floor finish you can burnish with a burnishing floor pad, again see the manufacturers recommendations for maintenance on your floor.

After 12 hours your floor should be fully cured. Floor traffic can now resume.

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How to Test a Chest Freezer Thermostat

If you suspect your thermostat chest freezer may not function correctly, and there are several ways to test it. Before you begin, and determine how bad the problem. It is not freezing freezer, and even at the highest setting? Or is it more of frosting on the lowest setting? These can be problems with the compressor, evaporator or a number or any other components of your fridge. Follow the steps below to test your thermostat easy.

Step 1 - Measuring settings

Development of the digital thermometer in your freezer and check the temperature in every situation. This will tell you if you sync with what is supposed to do in the refrigerator. If the temperature remains the same in every situation, or if the very low or high, you know the heat does not work correctly.

Step 2 - defrost and start again

Take everything from the refrigerator and defrost the private sector. Do this every few months to prevent ice from building.

Contrary to the modern fridge units of refrigerators and freezers, chest does not automatically dissolve, and this can cause the temperature changes. Once you have a solution for you, repeat step 1. If you adjust the temperature does not change the temperature as it should, you may need to replace the system of heat or the call in a professional to determine the exact problem. This site facilitate with home improvement,home repair,extreme home makeover,home improvement site,HGTV,DIY,do-it-yourself,buying guides,consumer reports ,Free home improvement advice, great remodeling tips, and appliance buying guides by leading home improvement authority, DIY expert and HGTV personality

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Home Improvement & Repair on Video : How to Replace a Toilet Flapper

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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Add Sizzle to Your Surroundings

Is your home décor lacking that extra something that spells the difference between comfortable and vibrant or between comfortable and tranquil? Candles might be just the polish your décor needs. Take advantage of the sparkling colors, rich textures, and fresh scents of candles without draining your decorating budget.

Some candles are best unadorned, but candleholders offer an additional opportunity to highlight their presence and beauty. You don't have to burn the candles; you can use them as objects d'art, incorporating them into displays, floral arrangements and centerpieces—alone as an accent piece, or in a grouping as a focal point.

Typical candles no longer exist—they belong to a bygone era. Tapers gave way to thick and varied heights long ago. Today, you'll find square candles, heart-shaped candles, fruit and vegetable candles, gingerbread candles, floral candles, Christmas tree and ornament candles, and candles with artistic free-flowing shapes. Within that variety of shapes, you'll find an endless array of adornments, such as beads and glitter, straw, botanicals embedded in the wax, still life scenes, etc.

Color, Shape and Texture

Today's candles come in a wide variety of hues and shades, and many add the dimension of shape and texture to their composition. Marbled, frosted, and sculptured candles are widely available in a selection of sizes, shapes and prices—ranging from votives to thick, oversized candles.

If your living areas are frozen in time with a monochromatic color scheme—you know the rooms we mean, they looked oh-so-good on paper until you lived in them for a month—use candles to rescue you from the monotony without the expense of redecorating. Marbled candles are a quick and easy way to work complementary or harmonizing color into the room.

If your home utilizes color well, but lacks excitement, accessorize with textured candles to add pizzazz to the room. Position the candles to create a focal point or to add just the right accent. Marbled candles incorporate several hues and shades of the same color, and variegated candles can tie all of the colors in your décor together.

Sculptured candles provide a warm substitute for expensive knickknacks and require a minimum of space. Add smaller sculptured candles to guest bathrooms along with guest hand towels and guest soaps. It's the attention to detail that rolls out the welcome mat for guests and creates the ambiance of a memorable stay.

If you've never used anything but wax candles, try one of the new gel candles. Gel candles are translucent and their shimmering glow is irresistible to the eye. You'll find gel candles ready to display in their own attractive glass containers.

Candles and Fragrance

Scented and aromatherapy candles make an excellent choice for the kitchen, bedroom or bathroom. Consider odor-neutralizing scented candles a necessity for the kitchen when you entertain. They serve triple duty by quickly neutralizing cooking odors, adding a pleasant scent and a touch or warmth. Larger scented candles often include interesting texture, shape and color variation.

Candleholders and Display Options

If you use your patio as a three-season outdoor room, float citronella votives in water on the patio for a lily-pads-in-the-pond effect. You'll scare away the mosquitoes and other flying irritants at the same time. Place all citronella candles a few feet from the table so that you don't run off the guests along with the insects.

Votive holders have blossomed into every imaginable shape, including butterflies, bejeweled beveled glass holders, and seascape holders. Many of the votive designs are ideally suited for an outdoor environment.

Hurricane lamps add light and atmosphere to the outdoor table in the evening. Eve lights can produce harsh lighting, and hurricane lamps provide enough light to see without detracting from the atmosphere. When selecting a candleholder for outdoor use, it's important to select one that shields the flame from the wind, and hurricane lamps provide ample protection from the wind.

If you haven't seen the newer tea lamp candleholders, you're not going to believe your eyes. These candleholders are every bit as elaborate and intricate as their electrical counterparts. If you prefer the formal look of a chandelier, consider a chandelier candleholder for a soft, diffused light. The next time a storm or tornado blows through your area, leaving you without electricity, tea lamp, hurricane and chandelier candleholders will be ready and waiting.

Whatever your décor, imaginative use of candles and candleholders allows you to change your décor as often as you change your mood.

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Garage Floor Drain Installation

Building garage floor drain installation is not easy and requires significant strength and effort. Read the text below and consider if you are ready for such an adventure. You have to also inform yourself if such type of construction is allowed in your state: motor oil or anti-freeze can penetrate through the drain and cause pollution of the environment. In addition, inquire if you need an additional architectural plan for the planned improvement, which is relatively easy to do. The hard part follows in the next steps.

Tools and Materials Needed

PVC pipes



PVC epoxy


Step 1 - Choose a Drain Type

There are two ways to go about the garage drain system. One possibility is to raise the level of the garage over the existing floor. This is easier to do, but you will need to make a special ramp to enter the garage. Alternatively, you can dig the existing floor with a power drill. The floor is usually made of concrete so it will be tough work. Yet, this is the best way to do it because you will connect the drains directly to the existing plumbing or septic tanks, if any.

Step 2 - Prepare Tools and Materials

You will need PVC pipes for the drainage and PVC pipes connectors. Also, you need glue for the PVC or PVC epoxy and, of course, a drill to connect the pipes. A sew will help you cut the pipes to the required length. The best thing to do is to consult with a professional plumber first. He may give you valuable pieces of advice which will help you choose the proper materials, tools, and so on. In addition, you may pay for a drainage plan, saving you lots of efforts. After the consultation, you may start planning. Think if there is a chance that your drain system freezes, ie if you live in a colder climate with long cold winters. If so, consider additional isolation for the pipes or the floor.

Step 3 - Prepare and Connect the PVC Pipes

Pick and purchase PVC pipes, connectors and anything else you may need. Sew the pipes and connect them. Then glue the connections with PVC epoxy and for best results, use plumber thread to fill the gaps between the connections before gluing them. You have to also connect the pipes to the plumbing or to a septic tank. A concrete epoxy may be used to seal the drain mount against the walls and the floor. If you plan to isolate the pipes, you need do it before leveling the floor.

Step 4 - Level the Floor

Leveling can be done with PVC epoxy, plus concrete or stucco mixture. If you plan some additional isolation, now is the time for that. Then pour the concrete or epoxy, make it even and wait until completely dry. Now you have a garage floor drain installation. It is cheaper if you do it on your own and a bit harder than expected. This site facilitate with home improvement,home repair,extreme home makeover,home improvement site,HGTV,DIY,do-it-yourself,buying guides,consumer reports ,Free home improvement advice, great remodeling tips, and appliance buying guides by leading home improvement authority, DIY expert and HGTV personality

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DIY Window Tinting | Home Improvement Tips

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Roofing FAQ: Basic Roof Problems

* What are some of the typical causes of roof problems?

There are different types of roof problems, and it is best to be aware of them so you can avoid shortening the life span of the roof. Some typical roof problems are:

Not enough maintenance done. Failing to fix minor roof problems can lead to a bigger problems later on. Structural damage caused by any physical contact can also lead to more problems later on.

Climate and Weather. Extreme weather (hail, ice, snow, scorching heat) can expedite the deterioration of a roof. Strong winds can, of course, damage the roof as well.

Industrially polluted or salty air (as near the sea) and other atmospheric contaminants are also contributing factors.

Wrong design. A faulty design can lead to early problems. A weak or improperly attached roof can also collapse from weight.

Flashing problems. Flashings are used to make the roof watertight. Improper installation and weak flashing can make the roof leak and by the time it is discovered, water damage maybe extensive.

* How do I know if I need a new roof if I don't see any leaks?

Leaks are not the only reason for replacing a roof. Furthermore, if you wait until you begin seeing leaks, you may end up with more damage and a bigger problem than you had hoped. So, check your roof regularly for the following:

- Age of roof - Depending on the kind of roofing, a roof can last up to 20 years. If your roof is 15 years old, you should be watching for signs of needing repair.

- Missing or torn shingles - Damaged shingles expose the roof to water damage and rot. They also make it so that other shingles may be blown away in the wind. Old shingles may curl, split and lose their waterproofing effectiveness. These weakened shingles are more likely to be blown away by wind gusts.

- Rusted or missing flashing - Flashing is the metal that surrounds chimneys, skylights and vent pipes. It is also often found in the valleys of the roof where the roof sections meet. If it is rusted, damaged or missing, it could cause leaks.

- Gutters - Check gutters, downspouts and splash pans for damage or decay. Look for broken pieces of paint and scraps of roofing. This may be a sign that your roof needs some attention.

- Inside Walls - Watch for discolored plasterboard or cracked paint and peeling wallpaper indoors. This could be a sign of a leaky roof.

* What kind of preventive maintenance should I do for my roof?

Since roofs are constantly exposed to the elements, most roof damage results from weather and pollutants in the atmosphere. To save yourself big repair costs or even having to replace your roof before its time, you should perform a general inspection on your roof at least twice a year, checking for mildew, mold, rust, trapped water, and possible damage, and make minor repairs if necessary. That is the best preventive maintenance you can do.

Also, be sure to keep your roof clean. Remove any debris that may accumulate on it and clean out the roof gutters regularly. Also, repair any weather damage as soon as it occurs.

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Mesh vs. Solid Pool Safety Cover

A pool safety cover keeps your children and family safe, and it can also make pool maintenance and care much easier. Pool safety covers are available in different sizes, shapes and materials, so deciding on the best choice for your pool may not be easy. Mesh and solid pool safety covers are the most popular choices among homeowners, and both varieties have their own pros and cons.

Mesh Pool Safety Cover

A mesh pool safety cover is made of a sturdy, porous material. It consists of a fine mesh cover that allows water and melted snow to drain through to the pool.


* A mesh pool safety cover offers superior safety and protection. The material is generally light and easy to install and manage.

* Because water can pass through to the pool, the cover is not weighed down by excessive weight. This also prevents the formation of puddles on the cover, which can be a safety hazard when small children or pets are around.

* The mesh cover keeps all the debris, leaves and twigs out of the pool. When you open the pool, it will be mostly free of dirt and other particles.

* The mesh cover allows sunlight to enter the pool. This helps in reducing the content of chlorine in the pool water.

* Since water does not collect on the top of the cover, it dries quickly and is easy to remove when necessary.

* As the water level in the pool is increased during the winter, you do not have to add as much water in the spring to bring up the pool level.


* Because rain water and snow can pass through the mesh cover, they can also bring dust, soot and fine dirt particles to the pool water. You may have to spend some extra time cleaning up the pool when you open it in spring.

* A mesh cover allows sunlight to infiltrate to the water. This can cause microorganisms such as algae and bacteria to grow in the pool.

Solid Pool Safety Cover

A solid pool safety cover is generally a complete, sealed barrier made of vinyl or a similar durable material.


* A solid pool safety cover is generally air tight, and does not allow water, dirt, debris or sunlight to penetrate through to the pool water.

* Algae and other microorganisms can not grow in the pool water because of the absence of sunlight.

* The pool will be much cleaner, and requires minimal maintenance when it is opened in the spring.

* Solid pool safety covers are also easy to install and maintain.


* Solid pool covers do not allow any water to drain through to the pool. As a result, the water collects on top of the cover, and forms puddles. The surface also tends to be quite slippery. This is a safety risk for a small child or a pet that may wander over the edge of the pool and can be drowned.

* To prevent the above danger, you must regularly pump out the water from the top of the pool cover. Some companies provide the pump along with the pool cover.

* Solid pool safety covers tend to be heavier and more expensive than the mesh versions. This site facilitate with home improvement,home repair,extreme home makeover,home improvement site,HGTV,DIY,do-it-yourself,buying guides,consumer reports ,Free home improvement advice, great remodeling tips, and appliance buying guides by leading home improvement authority, DIY expert and HGTV personality

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Tuesday 26 February 2013

Can I Fix My Own Washer? The Do It Yourself Virgin

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Monday 25 February 2013

How to Cut an Aluminum Downspout

If you need to know how to cut a piece of aluminum downspout to replace an existing piece, follow the steps below to help you achieve a successful project.
Tools and Materials Needed

* Aluminum downspout
* Level
* Screws
* Brackets
* Jigsaw with metal cutting blade
* Hacksaw (if you don't own a jigsaw)

Step 1 - Preparing the Downspout

First, measure the height of the downspout from the top to the bottom. If you follow the measurements of the existing downspout, you can't go wrong. If your downspout empties into a tiled drainage area, you will need to calculate the exact measurement to get the same length required by removing the existing downspout and measuring the two together.
Step 2 - Cutting

Once you have marked the right length, lay the downspout on a flat surface where cutting with a jigsaw will allow proper clearance. You can opt for a work bench and clamps. Use the metal cutting blade to saw through the aluminum and keep the cut straight. Aluminum is a softer and quite pliable material so the metal cutting blade should offer a smooth cut.
Step 3 - Installing

With the new piece of aluminum downspout cut, you are now ready to install it in place of the old piece. This site facilitate with home improvement,home repair,extreme home makeover,home improvement site,HGTV,DIY,do-it-yourself,buying guides,consumer reports ,Free home improvement advice, great remodeling tips, and appliance buying guides by leading home improvement authority, DIY expert and HGTV personality
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Rental Maintenance and Repairs: Who Pays The Bills?

Renting property is an arrangement where the needs of owners and tenants generally overlap: The tenant wants a clean and safe home and the landlord wants rent and someone who will care for the property. All in all, a good trade for everyone -- until it comes time to make repairs.

So if the sink leaks, a light-bulb is out, or the oven burner is shot, who pays?

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DIY Installing a Horizontal Shelf | Home Improvement Tips

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Sunday 24 February 2013

Telling If You Have a Broken Water Line

Not all broken water lines result in water leaking from the ceiling. Even if you can't find any visual signs that something is wrong, that doesn't mean there isn't a leaky pipe somewhere in your home. Jolly Plumbing owner Barry Jolly is a well-respected entrepreneur with more than 31 years of experience in the plumbing business. Using the expertise he developed, here, he gives us his advice on how to tell if you have a broken water line in your home.

If you've noticed a sudden increase in your water bill or puddles forming in your yard when it's not raining, you may have a leaking or broken water line. However, things don't always work out like that. There's often a chance that you might have a problem with your water line, but you don't even know it.

Sudden Increased Water Bill

Water lines can crack or deteriorate from a variety of unavoidable environmental conditions, and most people don't realize that maintenance of the water line, which runs from your house to the street, is the homeowner's responsibility. A lot of times, when people call and ask me how they can tell if there is a water line break somewhere in their home, that is because they have noticed a spike in their water bill. If you always have a fairly level water bill, and then all of a sudden the cost seems a lot higher, there may be a broken line inside or outside your home.

DIY Checking

If you suspect that there might be a leak in your line somewhere between the meter on the street and your house, there is an easy way to determine what is going on, which doesn't take much time or expertise. To check it for yourself, go down to the main water shutoff valve in your house - usually in the basement - and shut that valve completely off. Then, go out to the meter that's located on the street, open it, and look inside. If your meter is still moving, that means you have a leak somewhere between your house and the meter. And that leak is probably located in your water line underground.

Faulty Pipes

People usually want to know what will cause the leak in the first place. In fact, different factors can be at play. Most of the time, the leak problem has to do with a faulty pipe. Another issue can be the type of the pipe that is used in the house. The type of piping called Blue Max pipe was commonly used pretty much all the time about 10 or 15 years ago. Unfortunately, it turns out that it was a notoriously poor pipe. There was actually a big lawsuit over it, and a lot of people replaced their water lines with new piping for free at the time.

If you live in a home that was built in the 1990s, there is a good chance that your water service could be made from Blue Max pipe. And unless you were a part of that initial lawsuit, you probably still have those same pipes in place right now. If so, the pipe will leak eventually even if it hasn't started already. It is just a matter of time for it to start causing you problems, so I recommend people go ahead and work on getting it replaced as soon as they can.

Freezing Temperatures

If you don't have the Blue Max piping and your lines are fairly new, the temperature outside might be another reason. Freezing temperatures can cause problems for people's water lines, especially if the water line piping was not buried deep enough in the ground when it was initially installed. In addition, it is far more common for age to be the issue. For the most part, the reason why pipes have problems running from the water meter to the house just has to do with age, as old pipes or faulty pipes break over time.

At Jolly Plumbing, we specialize in waterline repairs, so you can rest assured that your waterline will be serviced by experienced professionals. Whether you suspect you have a problem with your waterline or want to run a routine inspection, we have the expertise and knowledge to get the job done in a thorough, timely and cost-effective manner. For more information or to schedule a free inspection, please contact us today.

Barry Jolly is a writer for Yodle, a business directory and online advertising company. Find a plumber or more plumbing articles at Yodle Local.

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4 Hot Tips for Replacing a Garage Door

What Kind of Garage Door should I buy?

When looking for a garage door, you notice that there are two major designs: tilt-up doors and sectional roll-up doors. Sectional roll-up doors are more expensive than tilt-up doors, but the extra cost is well worth it.

Tilt-up doors consist of a single panel of material. To open the door, you have to pull it out and pivot it up to slide it along the roof of your garage. Sectional roll-up doors, on the other hand, are made of a number of horizontal sections. Each section is hinged to the next section, allowing the door a certain degree of flexibility. Because the door is mounted on rollers, to open a sectional roll-up door you just have to lift the door and it will roll into place along the roof of your garage.

Sectional roll-up doors are superior to tilt-up doors. From a purely practical point they take up less room. Because you don’t have to pull the door out, there will be more room in front of your garage door for things like your car. The door will also take up less room in the garage, since it can be placed higher up than a tilt-up door.

What should my Garage Door be made of?

Garage doors, both tilt-ups and sectional roll-ups, are primarily made from wood or steel. Of these two materials, wood is the cheaper and – arguably – more attraction option. If you decided to get a wooden door please keep in mind that just like your deck, a wooden garage door will be more easily damaged by the weather than a steel door. If you live in a particularly hot or cold climate, you may find your self with a warped or damaged garage door.

Steel garage doors are more expensive, but you will not face the same problems that you would encounter with a wood door. If you decide to get a steel door the main thing to check is that it has been properly prepared to prevent rust.

Garage doors are also occasionally made with aluminium or fibreglass. While both of these materials are less expensive than steel doors, you should be careful when using them. Neither material is as strong as steel so they will not hold up to the usual wear and tear of a garage door. And once again depending on your climate, they will not be as energy efficient as a steel door if that is a concern to you.

How do I look after my Garage Door?

Just like any other exterior surface on your house, your garage door will need periodic maintenance to keep it working smoothly and looking as good as the rest of your house. You’d be surprised how the look of your garage door not only affects the overall look of your house, but the perceived value of your house too.

No matter what material your garage door is made of, it should be washed regularly. If you have a wood door, you should repaint the door every other year to ensure that the wood stays protected. If you have a steel door, you can give it a yearly shine with car wax

To prolong the life of the mechanical parts, you should lubricate all moving parts with motor oil whenever the door starts to feel sluggish.

Safety Concerns with Garage Doors

Every year, children are seriously injured from accidents involving garage doors. To avoid these preventable accidents, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends that you should only use automatic garage door openers if they have an automatic reverse function. This will reverse the closing of the garage door if an obstacle is encountered.

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Howto/DIY project ideas

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Saturday 23 February 2013

Electric Wire Color Code

If you're working with electric wire, you need to understand what the color codes for different electric wires means. Not knowing this can lead to making the wrong connections, which can prove dangerous. It's not complex to learn, and the information is vital to keep close by whenever you're working on electric wire. The wires each service a different function and the color code of the wires will tell you what that is. Be aware, however, that sometimes exceptions do exist.

Black Wire

The main thing you need to remember is that the black wire is the hot electric wire. It's the one that is live and carrying the current. You should never, under any circumstances, try to use a black wire as a neutral or a ground wire. Black wires will feed an outlet or a switch, and you often use them as switch legs.

Red Wire

You'll find that red wires are often the second hot electric wire when you're making a 220 volt installation. They're also used for the hot wire in 100 volt installations and in switch legs. Red wires can also be the interconnecting electric wire connecting two hardwired smoke detectors.

Green or Bare Wires

Green or bare copper electric wire will always be the ground wire. You will use them to give a safe grounding for electrical devices and in junction boxes they're always grounded to the box itself. Failure to properly ground an electrical connection can result in the device shorting out and causing a fire. Switches will have grounding screws, as will all electrical appliances.

Blue and Yellow Wires

Although you won't see blue and yellow wires with electrical devices, you still need to know about them. They're used as hot wires and are usually pulled in conduit. You'll find blue wires being used as travelers in different switch applications, usually on three-way or four-way switches. They can also be used as switch legs and in this scenario, you'll usually find them in fans or lights.

By contrast, yellow wires are almost invariably only used as switch legs and can be found in switched outlets, fans or lights.

White Wire

The white electric wire will always be neutral when working with 110 volts. It's possible that gray can be used as an alternative, but in the vast majority of instances, the wire you see will be white. Connect this without worry to the neutral terminal in an outlet or junction box.


There are a few exceptions to the normal color codes in wires. For instance, when you're working with 240 volts and you have a two-conductor cable, the white wire can be the second hot wire. It can also be used as a switch leg or if you have a three-way switch. In this instance, you need to mark the white wire somehow to show it's not being used as a neutral electric wire to ensure no one makes a mistake with it. This site facilitate with home improvement,home repair,extreme home makeover,home improvement site,HGTV,DIY,do-it-yourself,buying guides,consumer reports ,Free home improvement advice, great remodeling tips, and appliance buying guides by leading home improvement authority, DIY expert and HGTV personality

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James Oliver

Which Type Of Shower Tray: Raised or Low Profile?

A very important design consideration when planning a bathroom is the type of shower tray you want to install. Whether you place your shower tray level with the floor or 'sunken' to the floor, choose to have it raised, or sunken into a platform, all t... Read >

Stone Resin Shower Trays: What are they? Why are they Popular?

One of the strongest, most resilient shower trays on the market is also, not surprisingly, one of the most popular. Stone resin shower trays are not just durable and solid as a rock, but they're also luxurious, stylish and feel like ceramic to the touch. ... Read >

800mm (Small) Quadrant Shower Enclosures: a UK Product Guide

Quadrant Shower Enclosures are a type of shower that seems to be appearing more frequently in bathrooms across the UK. Although a fairly recent style of shower enclosure, the Quadrant Shower has a number of variations in size and style, and for those wish... Read >

DIY Guide: How to Fit a Shower Door

With the advent of the credit crunch and subsequent rise in popularity of renovations, many home owners and investors have put their hand to planning and installing their own bathrooms. So, in response to the DIY revolution, we've put together this handy ... Read >

The Power of Shower Baths

In the 1970s and 1980s, to some extent, the concept of a 'shower bath' was still in its embryonic form. Shower baths were more like a small, manual shower (often a trickle), which was only used by people who had washed their hair in the bath and the 'show... Read >

Sliding Shower Doors: Minimalist Contemporary Bathroom Design

The current trend towards minimalist bathrooms has led to Sliding Shower Door products growing increasingly popular. Contemporary bathroom design with a minimalist look offers a sanctuary away from the outside world. The bathroom is now a haven behind you... Read >

Why is a Quadrant Shower Enclosure a good choice for my Bathroom?

Quadrant Shower Doors : The guide Quadrant Shower Enclosures (or Quad Shower Doors) are one of the most popular shower enclosures on the market. There are a number of reasons why people choose to install a quadrant shower, and one of the most popular i... Read >

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Diy House Renovations: the Economical Way

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Friday 22 February 2013

Consider this when Choosing a High Efficiency Water Heater

A tankless water heater offers money savings and eco-friendly benefits. You can cut your fuel and electric bills by up to 15%! That will add up to hundreds even thousands of dollars throughout the lifetime of the water heater.

High efficiency hot water heaters come in both tank and tankless models. Tankless systems are the most popular because they save space in your home and offer endless supply of hot water. And while that seems like the more appealing option, tank systems have been drastically improved.

Before you buy, you want to know how much the new tankless system will save on your monthly bills throughout the year. The best way to figure out the numbers is to go to the Energy Star website.

The amount of money you’re looking to spend for the right system will be a big contributor to your final decision. Tankless systems cost more than systems that use tanks, and the solar heated systems are much more money than both of them combined, but don't look at the money you will need to pay out--look at the money you will be saving over time! This is a classic example of initial investment and return profit.

Installing a water heater on your own is an easy task no matter which type of system you decide to purchase. There are a lot of resources online that will give you a step by step instruction of how to install the system yourself. The do-it-yourself approach will save you additional money. You do not need any special plumbing tools or experience to install, however, if you need help with your water heater installation, Thurow Plumbing is the plumber Milwaukee calls for all of its plumbing and water heater installations.

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Do it yourself home remodel with Antique Brass Ceiling Tiles

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Thursday 21 February 2013

Easy DIY Home Projects : How to Inspect the Exterior of Your House

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Wednesday 20 February 2013

Easy DIY Home Projects : How to Repair a Garbage Disposal

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Tuesday 19 February 2013

リフォーム by シモ DIY - Toilet Renovation by Simone Canal

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DIY self stick tile laying & Bathroom renovation home improvement

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Sunday 17 February 2013

Easy DIY Home Projects : How to Fix a Leaky Faucet

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Saturday 16 February 2013


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Friday 15 February 2013

Thursday 14 February 2013

Easy DIY Home Projects : How to Repair a Ceiling Fan

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Wednesday 13 February 2013

DIY Home Renovations

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Monday 11 February 2013

Furnace Repair Minneapolis

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Home Repair: DIY Tips You MUST WATCH!

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Sunday 10 February 2013

DIY Projects and Home Repair

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